Tuesday, February 9, 2016


In ELA, we have been reading about Anne Frank. She faced many troubles in life, or adversity. A trouble she faced was having to stay in an attic, trapped so we shouldn't be taken away by the green police. I couldn't imagine living in a place for so long, not being able to make much noise, or ever go outside and breathe fresh air. Although, Anne was optimistic about the situation. She tried to make the best of it, such as on Hanukkah. On Hanukkah, she gave presents to everyone, even though she didn't have any money to buy anything. She spent her time making gifts for everyone, even when she was hiding and unable to see her friends and being able to go outside. Her family and friends didn't have gifts, but she wanted to keep the happiness and tradition alive. I can relate to Anne, because I believe traditions are important. I have also faced adversity, and it was a family issue. Two of my grandfathers passed away around the same time last year, and it was very hard on my family. Although, we tried to not allow this situation to bring us down all the time, but rather forget the past, and remember the good, happy times. Overall, even though we all face adversity, we must try and find the happiness in it, even in the toughest situations. 

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