Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year

It's 2016! I like a new year because I feel it gives people a fresh start. I don't think we should completely change ourselves, but make some resolutions that you could feel that will make your life better. One of my resolutions is to procrastinate less. I procrastinate a lot, which is why I'm left with so much in the end. I like to be organized, so I will set up a time to do homework and other important things I do daily. Another resolution I have is to have a more positive aspect in life. When someone says something that insults me, I let it get to me and I don't feel happy for the rest of the day. But, to be more positive, I will ignore all the negative things and allow the positive things to effect me. Something I'm looking forward to this year is the holidays! I know it may sound weird since the holiday season recently passed, but I feel that each year, the holidays get better and better, so I can't wait to see what this year brings. Something else I am looking forward to is graduation! It will be a happy and sad time for us, but I'm excited for our end of the year. I'm also excited for high school, but also nervous. I will be surrounded by people that are older than me, which frightens me a little. But, I'm excited for a new school, new friends, and other activities. I believe resolutions should be made whenever you feel, not just the new year. Let's make this year the best!


  1. Your resolutions are all going to be very helpful. I procrastinate A LOT. Once i stayed up till 5 trying to finish a project. I'm also excited for graduation.I'm sure you've read my blog:) Don't worry about people older than you. You will be fine, don't be nervous. Besides you will make many new friends! Stay positive and I wish you a very blessed new year! :)

  2. I hope you have a great year too!
