The two books that I will be comparing and contrasting are Butter and The Future Of Us. I read both of these books in the third quarter, and I really liked both of them. Some differences are that in The Future Of Us, it is written by alternating characters each chapter. This way, we get to see both sides of the situation, which I really enjoy. Butter is written as the main character's perspective, only seeing one person's view on the book. Something else that is different is the conflict of the story. In The Future Of Us, the main conflict is how everything they do in the present effects their futures. In the book, it says, "
"Everything I did differently today sent little ripples of change into the future." This is showing the changes that are made in the future. In Butter, the main conflict is how Butter seems to be different from the crowd. In the book, it says,
"Hey, kid, what's your name anyway?" I stayed silent, but Jeremy stood up finally, staring down at the tears on my face, they greasy mess in my hands, and answered for me. "His name's butter." This shows how he was never acknowledged at school.
Now, we will talk about the similarities. In both books, the topic is pretty similar. They books both revolve around the Internet, and how it impacts their life. Butter plans on a live video chat that many will view, and Emma and Josh constantly check Facebook to check how their futures are effected. These books both also take place in a school, which is where most of the conflict takes place.